Can Horses Eat Grapes?

Bunch of ripening grapes hanging from a vine

Yes, horses can eat grapes. Feeding horses with sweet treats is always a pleasure, and horses seem to enjoy fruits as much as we do. One such fruit that is healthy and delicious for horses is grapes. But when it comes to feed any new diet to horse we might have a few concerns and we expect a guide. Well, luckily you are at the right place. In this article, we’ve tried to cover all the myths associated with horse and grapes, we will discuss the nutritional value of grapes, how much grapes horses can eat, and what things need to be taken care of while feeding grapes to horses. So, can horses have grapes? Let’s dive right into it.

Can Horses Eat Grapes?

The short answer is yes, horses can eat grapes as a treat. They love the taste of grapes but should be fed in moderation, grapes can be good for their health. However, horses should not be fed grapes regularly as they contain a high amount of sugar.

Nutritional ValueBunches of ripe blue grapes hanging from a vine in a vineyard

Grapes are full of water, making them an excellent hydrating treat for horses. As horses require a lot of fiber in their diets, grapes are also a good source of fiber. They contain high amounts of vitamin C and potassium, which are essential for maintaining a horse’s immune system, muscles, and nerve function.


White Grapes

Horses love white grapes the most. They are a safe choice for feeding horses as long as they are fed in moderation. It is crucial to monitor the number of grapes a horse consumes to avoid any choking hazards.

Red Grapes

Red grapes are also a safe and healthy treat for horses, although they have a slightly bitter taste compared to white grapes. However, they should be fed in moderation, and horse owners must ensure that their horses do not choke while consuming them.

Can all horses eat grapes?

Below is a tabular format detailing the recommended amount of grapes that can be fed to horses based on their age group:

Age Group Amount of Grapes
Foals Not recommended. Grapes can pose a choking hazard.
Weanlings Little amount, even less than a treat.
Yearlings Offer as treat
Adults Minimal to none. Not as a main diet.

Benefits of Feeding Grapes to Horses

Feeding horses with grapes has some benefits, such as regulating their sugar levels, fulfilling their water needs, and aiding digestion due to the high fiber content. However, horse owners must feed grapes in moderation.

How Many Grapes Can Horses Have?

Bunch of ripening grapes hanging from a vine

Horses should be fed grapes only as treats, and not regularly. The ideal amount to feed a horse is two to three times a week, and each time, owners should offer their horse 10 to 20 grapes. Grapes should be sliced into small pieces to avoid choking hazards, and owners should remove the seeds as they can cause digestive problems.

Safely Incorporate Grapes into Horse Diet

To ensure the safe incorporation of grapes into your horse’s diet, follow these guidelines:

Limit the Quantity:

You should also limit the number of grapes you give your horse to 10 – 20 grapes. It may be best to spread this amount out over the week if you don’t want to spike your horse’s blood sugar. Plus, only giving your horse one or two grapes at a time can help to reduce the risk of digestive problems.

Gradual Introduction:

For horses that have never had grapes before, you should start slowly and gradually increase the number of grapes you’re offering them. For example, start with one or two grapes and see how your horse reacts.

Consider Other Treats:

If you’re already feeding your horse other fruits, you should lower this number to around 5 – 10 grapes a week. Too many sweet treats can cause sugar addiction and throw off the balance of your horse’s diet.

Watch for Choking Hazard:

You can either feed your horse whole or half grapes, depending on how well it chews. Whole grapes may cause choking, so if your horse usually gulps down its treats, you may want to consider slicing them in half.

Rinse Thoroughly:

You should also rinse the grapes off to remove any pesticides or harmful chemicals that may be on their skin.

Maintain Balanced Diet:

It’s important to remember that no matter what horse-safe treats you’re providing, your horse should also always have high-quality horse feed, hay, and fresh water available.

Things to be Taken Care of

Horse owners must take care not to overfeed their horses with grapes, as the high sugar content can lead to weight gain. They should also ensure that their horse does not become addicted to the sweet taste of grapes, as this can lead to declining interest in other healthy vegetables. Moreover, horse owners should remove grape seeds and feed grapes only in moderation.

Important considerations regarding horses and grapes:

Aspect Information
Toxicity Grapes, along with raisins, can be toxic to horses and may cause kidney failure, although cases are rare.
Choking Hazard The size and round shape of grapes can pose a choking hazard, particularly for young or unsupervised horses.
Dental Health The high sugar content in grapes can contribute to dental issues such as decay and cavities in horses.
Digestive Upset Consumption of grapes may lead to digestive upset in horses, including diarrhea or colic symptoms.
Alternative Treats There are many safer alternatives to grapes for treating horses, such as carrots, apples, or commercial treats.

It’s essential for horse owners to be aware of the potential risks associated with feeding grapes to horses and to opt for safer alternatives when providing treats or supplements.


Grapes are a healthy and nutritious treat for horses, but they should be fed in moderation. Horse owners should be mindful of the risks and benefits of feeding grapes to horses and should take proper care while feeding grapes to their equine friends. However, horses should not be fed grapes regularly, as they contain a high sugar content that can be harmful to their health.


Grapes, just like apples, are a horse’s favourite fruit and safe for them to eat. Grapes provide your horse with carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.
Potatoes and other nightshades. Horses don’t typically like the taste of nightshades, but they might be tempted to eat the stems and leaves of these plants. Nightshades contain a compound called atropine, which can affect the autonomic nervous system.

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