Can Horses Eat Broccoli?

A close-up of a green head of broccoli with small florets surrounded by large green leaves.

Yes, horses can eat broccoli in moderation. Broccoli can be eaten by horses but should be given in moderation. This vegetable is a great source of vitamins and minerals and will be well-liked by your horse. When feeding your horse broccoli in large quantities, you must exercise caution because it can easily disrupt their digestive system and be hazardous. Broccoli should only be given to horses as special treats. Let’s talk about broccoli today.

As horse owners, we truly enjoy feeding our horses a variety of crunchy fruits and veggies, but occasionally, we might be giving them unhealthful foods. You might be amazed at the number of healthy snacks that horses will consume, as most of them like eating a wide array of different fruits and vegetables. To prevent an uncomfortable case of indigestion or even poisoning, we must discover which vegetables are healthy to consume.

Can Horses Eat Broccoli?

Horses are unable to consume broccoli. This is so because raffinose (a suger) is present in this vegetable which can create intestinal gas in horses and intestinal gas is not good for horses. This is due to a horse’s sensitive digestive tract, which makes it simple for gas to become trapped. Colic is a painful condition brought on by this. It is not a good idea to let your horse eat broccoli, even though he might like to nibble on it.

Nutritional Value of Broccoli

A close-up of a green head of broccoli with small florets surrounded by large green leaves.A great source of vitamin C is broccoli. It supplies Vitamin C, a potent natural antioxidant, and the immunological modulator aid in the battle against the influenza virus. It also contains a significant amount of vitamin A and antioxidant vitamins. In conjunction with other pro-vitamins including zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene, vitamin A helps a healthy skin and mucous membranes. Its ingestion during pregnancy has been demonstrated to protect foals from developing neural tube problems. Minerals including calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus are also abundant in it. Broccoli will supply calcium to pregnant horses and help them keep their optimum health. So, broccoli is a wholesome source of food for horses.

Benefits of Feeding Broccoli To Horses

Broccoli has a lot of vitamins A and C. It contains critical elements for both human and animal health, such as iron, calcium, zinc, and others. Red blood cells need iron to continue delivering oxygen throughout your horse’s body. Calcium is essential for the skeleton and should be given in greater amounts to lame horses. In addition to having a range of other elements that are advantageous to horses, broccoli also contains the mineral zinc, which helps horses digest and metabolize the proteins and carbohydrates they consume.

  • Improves Immune System Performance. Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in broccoli are wonderful sources for strengthening your horse’s immune system.Fresh green broccoli florets with small buds arranged on a wooden surface
  • Prevents Horse Gastric Ulcers. According to several research, giving broccoli to horses may help them avoid developing stomach ulcers.
  • Encourages Healthy Digestion Broccoli has a high fiber level, which can support healthy digestion in horses.
  • Delivers Vital Nutrients to Horses. As we’ve seen, broccoli is a very good source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for horses.
  • High Antioxidant Capacity. Horses can be protected from oxidative stress by the antioxidants in broccoli.
  • Minerals and vitamins in abundance. In terms of vitamins and minerals, broccoli is a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, manganese, and iron.
  • Give growing foals or pregnant mares a lot of vitamins and nutrition.
  • Make the coat brilliant and shining.

Is Broccoli Good For Horses?

We’ve established that broccoli can unquestionably be beneficial to horses due to its health advantages. However, you should only give them a little bit at a time, not every day. A horse\’s diet should never be replaced with broccoli.

Is Broccoli Safe For Horses To Eat?

In that, it won’t cause them any immediate harm and won’t make them sick if they mistakenly eat a floret or two of broccoli among other veggies, broccoli is safe for horses to consume. But broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family of foods. Other vegetables including collard greens, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are included in this group. Due to their well-known health advantages and high nutrient content, you might be tempted to feed your horse a lot of these veggies, but you should always proceed with caution when it comes to your horse and this particular food group. As a very rare treat, cruciferous veggies are fine, but they cause stomach gas. As food breaks down in our stomachs, intestinal gas is produced by all foods, but certain vegetables are notorious for producing more than others. And giving your horse too much gas might result in a variety of severe issues. To put it bluntly, eating too much broccoli and other similar veggies can even be lethal.

Do Horses Like Broccoli?

Some horses think broccoli is the best thing ever, while others would be content if they never again ate it. Since no two horses are alike and since people have varied food choices and palates, horses can also differ in their dietary preferences. Since broccoli has a strong, delicious flavor and is a welcome departure from their usual diet of grass, hay, and oats, most horses will gladly chew on it and often ask for more. Additionally, broccoli has a delicious crunch, and a horse may easily consume a few florets of it. However, you can’t be sure unless you give it a shot with your horse! The next time you have broccoli in the house, save some and give it to your horse. Maybe your horse will take a smell and determine it’s not for them, or maybe it will virtually be inhaled from your fingers.


a broccoli plant with large green leaves and a green head covered in small buds, in a garden with soil and other green plantsIndeed, broccoli can swiftly turn detrimental to your horse, despite being good in little doses. It doesn’t have any specific ingredients that will make the horse unwell, but the way it digests in the horse’s stomach can result in gas-related colic, which can be fatal. We are all aware from personal experience that some vegetables can cause us to suffer a small amount of gas after eating them, but for horses, this gas can quickly accumulate within the digestive system without being eliminated. When this occurs, the horse runs the risk of having his or her bowel torn or twisted, or even ruptured. That is because it is serious if it sounds so. Colic affects horses far more severely than other animals do. Additionally, some vegetables are riskier than others.

Is Broccoli Toxic To Horses?

Broccoli does not poison horses. If a food or plant could poison a horse, it is hazardous, and you would know not to serve it to humans. Nightshades, hemlock, and poisonous mushrooms are examples of toxic plants. Although broccoli does not fall under the category of being poisonous, you should still use caution. As previously said, broccoli is okay for horses to consume, but it should only be given to them sometimes as a treat. Numerous foods are unhealthy for people. We might only choose to consume them on rare occasions or only once a week because they may be heavy in sugar or fat. When comparing broccoli to horses, a similar comparison should be made. They frequently like it, it’s healthy for them in moderation, and it makes a pleasant treat now and again.

Do Horses accept Broccoli?

Broccoli should be no different from the other fruits and veggies that horses adore. Broccoli is a very pleasant treat due to its distinctive flavor and delightful texture. The hardest challenge you’ll have is probably not persuading your horse to eat broccoli, but rather getting it to quit! It is up to you to manage the portions because of this. However, as we’ve already mentioned, every horse is unique, so don’t worry if your particular horse rejects it. They could favor a carrot instead.

Quantity Per Day

A close-up of broccoli and cauliflower, with dark green broccoli in the foreground and light cream cauliflower in the backgroundEven then, it should only be given once or twice a week to your horse, who should only have about 4 ounces of broccoli every day. If you’re wondering what 4 ounces look like, it is equivalent to about 1.5 cups. That’s not a lot! Like peanut butter or a sugar cube, broccoli should be regarded as a treat. The occasional treat or nibble is fine, but giving your horse more than is advised is unhealthy. Although broccoli doesn’t include any sugar or fats like peanut butter or sugar, it still has the potential to be harmful to your pet if they consume too much of it. Remember to never feed them broccoli again if they exhibit symptoms of gastrointestinal distress with just this modest amount because they are sensitive to it.

Consumption Per Day

Absolutely! It also requires a lot less than you might imagine. You can see that a horse should only consume a tiny amount of broccoli at a time by measuring out 4 ounces of broccoli the next time you have some. You are in charge of making sure your horse eats the right things in the right proportions as the owner of the animal. Because we care for our pets, we might want to give them extra treats when we notice them enjoying them, but doing so would put them at risk, so stick to the recommended amounts of broccoli.

Ways to Feed Broccoli to Horse

Never feed cooked broccoli to your horse. For one reason, a horse won’t find soft broccoli satisfying and will probably stare at you with distaste. You should always feed your horse raw, crisp broccoli. Additionally, this guarantees that the vegetable keeps all of its nutrients. Vegetables that have been boiled may be more pleasant to humans, but much of their vitamin content leaks into the water. Get some fresh, mold-free florets instead, then wash them under the faucet to get rid of any pesticides or insects. Then your horse will undoubtedly run after an open hand holding some wonderful broccoli.

Fresh or Cooked?

The best broccoli to feed is fresh broccoli, so make sure to wash it thoroughly before using it. Farmers may put pesticides on their broccoli in various nations. Therefore, broccoli must be washed and soaked in saltwater for at least 30 minutes on horse farms. It’s crucial to boil the broccoli for horses after that. The stem will soften after boiling, making it more palatable for horses. You can make a soup out of the water you used to boil the broccoli or drink it.

Tips on Preparing Broccoli for Horses

  • Wash the broccoli well to get rid of any dirt or pesticides before feeding it to horses.Two fresh green broccoli florets on a light brown wooden surface with knots and holes
  • Soak the broccoli for at least 30 minutes in salt water.
  • Boil the broccoli for a few minutes to soften the stem and make it more palatable for horses.
  • You can make a soup or a beverage out of the water you used to boil the broccoli.
  • Feed broccoli that is fresh whenever feasible.
  • Don’t give horses rotten or moldy broccoli.

Problems with Broccoli for Horses

Horses can consume broccoli, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that they shouldn’t consume a lot of raw broccoli. It is advisable to boil the broccoli before feeding it to horses so that it would be softer and easier to eat. Additionally, you can add boiling water to the horse’s meal or offer it to them as a drink. Additionally, bear in mind the following when feeding horses:

Intestinal Gas

Gas in the digestive tract is one issue that can arise when feeding broccoli to horses. This is due to the high fiber content of broccoli. Giving your horse tiny amounts of broccoli at first and gradually increasing the amount is the best way to avoid this.

Possible Allergic Reactions

Horses can experience food allergies, just like humans do. After giving your horse broccoli, stop immediately and call your veterinarian if you see any breathing issues or puffiness.

Choking Hazard

Horses are susceptible to choking on broccoli as well. Your horse risk choking on the stem or leaves if it attempts to consume too much broccoli at once. Therefore, it’s crucial to feed your horse broccoli in little amounts at a time and to ensure that it is thoroughly chewed before swallowing.

Pesticides/ Chemicals

As was already said, some farmers spray herbicides or pesticides on their broccoli. If consumed, they may be dangerous to horses. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully wash the broccoli before giving it to your horse. To get rid of any remaining pesticides or chemicals, you can also soak the broccoli in salt water for at least 30 minutes.


Just like people, horses can have allergies to broccoli. After giving your horse broccoli, stop feeding it right away and contact your veterinarian if your horse experiences breathing difficulties or begin to swell.

How much Broccoli should be fed?

A black plate with a pile of fresh green broccoli florets on a dark grey textured surfaceAs usual, before making dietary changes for your horse, speak with a veterinarian. The majority of horses typically eat 1-2 cups of broccoli every day. Watch your horse’s intake and make the necessary adjustments. It’s crucial to begin feeding horses broccoli in tiny doses and then gradually raise the amount over time. This will lessen the likelihood of intestinal flatulence and other issues. Knowing everything there is to know about broccoli makes it simple to feed horses this wholesome food. Simply keep in mind to wash and boil the broccoli before feeding it to your horse and to keep an eye on their intake to make sure they are getting the proper quantity.


Finally, make sure your horses are in good shape if you want to take good care of them. Keep reading our articles to learn more healthy advice for your horse so you can properly care for him. Since many horses adore broccoli, they will adore this treat, which is also very healthy and nutritious for them. But as we’ve already mentioned, you should only give your horse tiny amounts of broccoli once or twice a week. Any more than that risked causing their delicate stomachs discomfort. Try giving your horse cucumber instead of Cruciferous vegetables if you’re seeking another source of vitamins and minerals without the risk of intestinal gas. You may already be aware that horses should eat cucumbers in the summer since they help horses stay hydrated throughout the hot weather. However, horses can digest this crisp, tasty vegetable much more easily. Always wash all veggies carefully to ensure that they don’t contain any chemicals or pesticides, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.


The list of vegetables he can have in smaller, snack-size quantities reads like a plateful of stuff kids won't eat, but your horse might: collard greens, chard, kale, broccoli, turnips, spinach and radishes.
These vegetables are absolutely NOT safe for your horse to eat: avocados, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, regular potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers. Avoid feeding horses these vegetables at all costs!
Horses can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots, celery, melons, green beans, and more. They may also enjoy treats such as peanut butter, oatmeal, or sugar cubes!
Apples and Apricots have pits or seeds which contain cyanide compounds, which are toxic in extremely large quantities. Large pits can cause choking, so it's best to remove them before offering your horse fruit such as peaches or nectarines.

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