Can Horses Eat Oranges? | Benefits of Feeding Oranges to Horses

Can Horses Eat Oranges?, Horses grazing in a green field at sunset with mountains in the background

Yes, horses can eat oranges. Horses like to have changes in taste from time to time. Oranges are their favorite in this matter. They love it when you give them oranges. Oranges are not only beneficial for their health but also make your horse happy. Which encourages positive behavior in them. Healthy treats can strengthen the bonds between the owner and their horses.  Horses can have oranges in their feed as treats or snacks. The citric acid in oranges ensures muscle recovery after an injury or hard training, etc. Oranges help in recovery and also provide essential nutrients in their regular diet. Oranges contain vitamin C in it. So giving oranges to horses can help maintain the vitamin C in their body. Oranges are also a good source of water to keep your horse hydrated. 

Can Horses Eat Oranges Peel?

Horses love peels of orange as much as they love its pulp and seeds. Oranges and their peels are full of nutrients that contain so many health benefits. These benefits include,  Can Horses Eat Oranges?, A whole orange and two orange slices with green leaves on a textured gray background    

  • Boost immunity
  • Cardiovascular recovery enhancement 
  • It is full of contents that remove inflammation and control the development of tumors

Peels are quite sour. So when you give your horse oranges with peels and it spits it out, it means your horse does not want peels. Before it starts avoiding oranges, start feeding your horse with flesh only. Orange peel is not much liked by horses, but it is packed full of antioxidants and nutritional benefits. 

Oranges Nutrition & Benefits

Can Horses Eat Oranges?, A pile of small, bright oranges with attached leaves and cut halves revealing orange flesh and seeds on a repeating orange background

Oranges are tasty treats for horses. It adds more taste to their meals and is a good source of nutrients. Oranges contain vitamins A, C, and E, phosphorus, sugar, fiber, and potassium. Vitamin C helps to boost immunity and the formation of antibodies. It is an antioxidant and helps in recovering damaged tissues. Oranges have hesperidin in them which supports blood flow during activities such as training or competitions. This helps in reducing the chances of hemorrhage. Oranges are also a very good source of fiber that helps with the digestive system. 

Oranges Are Poisonous?

The question of whether oranges are poisonous to horses is raised at any time. The answer to this question is “NO”, oranges are not toxic to horses. Oranges can have no possible harmful outcome on horses’ health. However, peels and leaves can sometimes cause skin and coat problems. Oranges have high levels of potassium in them, which may be harmful to horses with HYPP disease. 

Things To Take Care Of

  • Giving oranges to your horse can be a healthy choice. But there are certain things to be taken care of. orange trees with ripe oranges in a grove
  • Wash thoroughly, to clean all the dirt and make oranges free of pesticides.
  • Remove the peel and seeds from the flesh.
  • Cut oranges into small pieces.
  • Feed with freshly peeled and sliced oranges.
  • In the summertime, you can also give your horse frozen pieces of orange.
  • Alternatively, mix the orange slices with bran mash and serve them

Horses & Citrus

Citrus fruits should be added to regular horse feed. Oranges are very good citrus fruit as they are very nutritious. 👉🏻 It is only beneficial if given in moderation. Giving 1-2 oranges a week is healthy only.

Can We Give Horses Orange Juice?

Ripe oranges hanging from an orange tree in a garden with yellow flowers in the backgroundHorses can eat oranges but what about orange juice? Orange juice is healthy if given freshly extracted. It is another great treat for your equine. However, it is only good when given in moderation. An excessive amount of orange juice can cause problems in digestion. You can give your horse fresh orange juice on a hot summer day. Things to take care of, it should only be given in moderation. You should keep it in small quantities. You can also put a mix of fruits in a bowl and add some orange juice to it. This way it will be a great, cooling treat for your horses. Orange juice, maybe a good choice for your horses in the summer season, but horses like to have the flesh of oranges in their meals more than juice. Citrus fruits are very healthy for horses, as they contain vitamin C.

It is very important to know how much of which nutrient is needed. So, anything you give to your horses will not be in excess. Citrus fruits of every kind are a brilliant and healthy treat for horses. Oranges are full kind of vitamins and minerals that are here to protect cells from damage and also boost your horse’s immune system. It helps the body of your horse to heal wounds. It is a very tasty, healthy, and full-of-benefits option for your horse. Horses will love it if you feed them with flesh or juice of oranges. However,  the key to good health and happy horses is moderation. 

Can We Give Horses Orange Seeds?

Horses can eat orange seeds. Orange seeds contain antioxidants that are good for horses. Also, seeds are tiny in size so while eating horses will not be choking on seeds. Seeds can be fed to horses, it is also healthy but if only fed in moderation. Seeds can be fed if you grind them into a powder and mix it in their feed. Oranges are full of nutrients, and juices and seeds also provide health. It is an antioxidant and anti-toxin. 


A pile of oranges with sweet sunlight making them shine

Oranges are healthy and full of nutrients that are very beneficial for horses. Oranges have the effect of being anti-inflammatory fruit. It will help horses that are fed oranges, in feeling better in the long term. Horses need a high-fiber diet to keep their digestive system on track, and luckily oranges are high-fiber fruits. Fiber keeps your horse’s bowels healthy and cholesterol at a level that is normal and good for horses. It also controls the sugar level of your horses. Calcium, an essential mineral that is present in oranges, helps in keeping bones, organs, and muscles strong. They are very rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure. Raw oranges are better for your horses. Citric acids and nitrates reduce the risk of kidney failure and prevent getting it in the first place. Oranges are naturally healthy and full of nutrients for your horses.

Can horses eat citrus fruit?

Horses grazing in a green field at sunset with mountains in the background

These citrus fruits do not cause any harmful effects on your equine’s health. Horses love the taste of oranges from time to time. We can also give horses their seeds and peels. Peels and germs may have a bitter taste. Seeds of oranges and lemons are not harmful to horses but only if given in small amounts. You can introduce oranges or any citrus fruits into the feeds of horses slowly. Horses can give flesh, seeds, and peels of oranges, but they can only have them in small quantities. If you feed your horse too much citrus fruit, it can cause them to stomach upset.

Are Oranges Toxic?

It is very important to keep checking on how many you feed horses with oranges. Although, oranges are a healthy treat for horses. But it can be very harmful if you overfeed them. Overfeeding may cause them to avoid their regular diet as they might get addicted to the taste of oranges. So take care of how much you give them. Also, horses with HYPP disease should not be given oranges, as it contains potassium. It can cause the death of your horse that has HYPP disease.

How Many To Feed 🤔 ?

Oranges are healthy but they should only be fed 2-3 a week. Overfeeding can cause many problems. Providing in moderation will be helpful and healthier for your horse. 


A group of bright orange oranges arranged in a grid-like pattern with small green stems on topIn conclusion, we can say that horses can eat oranges and can added to their meal as well. Treats and snacks of frozen oranges pieces are good in hot weather. Orange juice is also a good option. Oranges are full of vitamins and minerals. Oranges contain vitamins A, C, and E, phosphorus, sugar, fiber, and potassium.

Orange seeds contain antioxidants that are suitable for horses. Also, seeds are very small in size so while eating horses will not be choking on seeds. Seeds can be fed to horses, it is also healthy but if only fed in moderation. Oranges are not only beneficial for their health but also make your horse happy. Which encourages positive behavior in them. Healthy treats can strengthen the bonds between the owner and their horses.  Horses can eat oranges and you can add it in their feed as treats or snacks.

The citric acid in oranges ensures muscle recovery after injury or hard training, etc.  It can be very harmful if you overfeed them. Overfeeding may cause them to avoid their regular diet as they might get addicted to the taste of oranges. So take care of how much you give them. Also, horses with HYPP disease should not be given oranges, as it contains potassium. It can cause the death of your horse that has HYPP disease.

Citrus fruits are very healthy for horses, as they contain vitamin C. It is very important to know how much of which nutrient is needed. So, anything you give to your horses will not be in excess. Citrus fruits of every kind are a brilliant and healthy treat for horses. Oranges are full kind of vitamins and minerals that are here to protect cells from damage and also boost your horse’s immune system. It helps the body of your horse to heal wounds.


Horses adore citrus fruits such as oranges and they can eat the whole thing, including the seeds and the skin! Oranges are very beneficial for horses as they provide high amounts of Vitamin C. What's more, orange peel has antioxidant properties and has been known to reduce oxidative stress.
Apples and carrots are traditional favorites. You can safely offer your horse raisins, grapes, bananas, strawberries, cantaloupe or other melons, celery, pumpkin, and snow peas. Most horses will chew these treats before swallowing, but horses that gulp large pieces of a fruit or vegetable have a risk of choking.
There are no reports in the literature about oranges being toxic to horses that I can find. The only toxins in the citrus family seem to be irritants in the peels and leaves that cause a skin problem in some individuals. As this horse has been eating oranges in the past, it would seem that oranges are not a problem.

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