How Much Do Horses Eat a Day? A Complete Guide

Women in blue and white patterned shirts petting a light brown horse with a white stripe down its nose next to a wooden stable

White horse with a gray mane and tail standing in a stable stall with its head over the half door

While a single answer isn’t ideal, a horse typically eats 1.5-2.5% of its body weight in dry feed per day but varies based on breed, age, activity level, and individual needs. Consulting a veterinarian provides the most accurate answer for your specific horse. As a horse owner, it’s essential to understand how much food your horse needs to eat every day to maintain its health and well-being. Horses are herbivores, which means they primarily eat plants, such as grass and hay. However, the amount of food they require depends on several factors, including their weight, age, breed, and activity level. In this article, we will discuss how much food horses need to eat each day and the importance of a balanced diet.

Factors that Affect How Much Horses Eat:

Several factors affect how much food horses need to eat every day. These factors include:

  1. Weight: Horses need to eat a certain amount of food based on their body weight. Generally, horses need to eat between 1.5% to 2.5% of their body weight in forage (hay or pasture) every day. For example, a 1,000-pound horse should consume between 15 and 25 pounds of forage daily.
  2. Age: Younger horses, such as foals, have different nutritional needs than adult horses. Foals need more protein, minerals, and vitamins to support their growth and development.
  3. Breed: Different horse breeds have different nutritional requirements. For example, some breeds, such as Thoroughbreds, require more calories than other breeds, such as Arabians.
  4. Activity level: More active Horses, such as those used for racing or eventing, require more calories than horses that lead a more sedentary lifestyle.

How to Calculate How Much Your Horse Should Eat:

Close-up of a brown and white cow with a rope halter tied to its nose ring in a pastureTo calculate how much your horse should eat every day, you need to know its weight, age, breed, and activity level. Once you have this information, you can use the following formula to calculate the amount of forage (hay or pasture) your horse needs to eat:

Forage (in pounds) = Body weight (in pounds) x 1.5% to 2.5%

For example, if your horse weighs 1,000 pounds, it should consume between 15 and 25 pounds of forage every day. However, it’s important to note that this calculation only provides an estimate of how much forage your horse needs. You should adjust the amount based on your horse’s individual needs.

In addition to forage, horses also require concentrates, such as grains and supplements, to meet their nutritional needs. The amount of concentrates horses need depends on their activity level, age, and overall health. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to determine the right amount of concentrates for your horse.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet:

Providing your horse with a balanced diet is essential for its health and well-being. A balanced diet includes the right amount of forage and concentrates to meet your horse’s nutritional needs. Horses require protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals to maintain their health.

Protein: Horses need protein to maintain muscle mass and support their growth and development. The amount of protein horses need depends on their age, activity level, and overall health.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide horses with energy. Horses can obtain carbohydrates from forage (such as hay or pasture) and concentrates (such as grains).

Fat: Fat is an essential nutrient for horses, as it provides them with energy and helps maintain healthy skin and coats.

Vitamins and Minerals: Horses also require vitamins and minerals to maintain their health. Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in many bodily functions, such as bone growth, muscle function, and immune system health. Horses can obtain vitamins and minerals from their diet or supplements.

Water: Finally, it’s essential to provide your horse with clean, fresh water at all times. Horses require plenty of water to maintain their health and well-being. On average, horses need to drink between 5 to 15 gallons of water every day, depending on their size, activity level, and temperature.


In conclusion, understanding how much your horse should eat every day is crucial for its health and well-being. Horses require a balanced diet that includes the right amount of forage and concentrates to meet their nutritional needs. Factors such as weight, age, breed, and activity level all play a role in determining how much food your horse needs to eat. By providing your horse with a balanced diet and plenty of clean, fresh water, you can help ensure that it stays healthy and happy for years to come.

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