Is Avocado a Toxic fruit for horses?

A pile of green avocados with a bumpy texture in various sizes and shapes on a black background

Horses are herbivores, and it is important to feed them fresh and organic foods, which are high in nutrition. However, not all foods that are safe and healthy for humans are good for horses. One such food is avocados, which are toxic to horses. In this article, we will discuss the risks of feeding horses avocados and the consequences of their toxicity. We will also provide some tips on how to keep your horses safe and healthy.

Can Horses Eat Avocados?

A pile of green avocados with a bumpy texture in various sizes and shapes on a black background

No, horses cannot eat avocados. While avocados are highly nutritious for humans and offer many health benefits, they are poisonous to horses. All parts of the avocado tree, including the fruit, leaves, and stem, are toxic to horses. If a horse ingests avocado, it can cause weakness, inability to stand up, swelling around the face, shortness of breath, colic, neurological dysfunction, irregular heartbeat, fluid around the heart, loss of appetite, and difficulty eating. Avocado contains a poisonous fatty acid called Persin, which is extremely toxic to horses and can cause fatal poisoning.

Avocados in Horse Diet

A brown horse with a white spot on its body standing in a field of dried grass. The horse's face is blurred for privacy Horses require a lot of greens in their daily meals and alfalfa, which is very high in protein. While avocados are very nutritious, they cannot be fed to horses. To fulfill your horse’s nutritional requirements, you can replace avocados with carrots or some pieces of apple. Avoid sugars and other excessive vitamins and minerals, which can lead to obesity. Fresh water is important to keep your horse hydrated. Horses normally eat 1.5 to 3% of their total body weight, but they may become obese if they are not active. Do not give your horse lawn clippings, as they may contain poisonous weeds.

Risks of Avocado

Horses may try out new fruits and vegetables, but if they accidentally eat an avocado, it can cause the symptoms mentioned above, which can lead to death. If your horse eats avocado, call your vet immediately, as it has deadly effects on health. If it is less than 30 grams, then the vet may be able to save the horse. Horses may be attracted to avocado plants, as they need to consume fat. Add omega-3 oils to your equine’s feed to provide the necessary fats.

Avocado Toxicity Treatment

If your horse eats avocado, it is important to call the vet immediately. The vet will do a physical examination and required tests to identify how much toxicity has entered the body. While no medicine or remedy can deal with avocado poisoning, flushing out some of the poison is better than doing nothing. To prevent its toxicity, keep your horses away from this fruit or its trees.

What to avoid?

Two dark horses grazing in a field of tall grass during sunrise or sunsetIt is better to avoid having fruit trees in or around a horse’s paddock. Horses may take a bite of the leaves or fruit, and the taste may attract them. Horses are very keen to try out new tastes and new fruits. They may also eat avocado fruit and leaves, which can cause very harmful effects on their health. If you want trees around your horse paddock, you can only plant a pine tree or a eucalyptus tree, as these are not toxic to horses.


In conclusion, avocados are not safe for horses to eat and can cause serious harm or death. It is important to feed your horses a balanced diet that includes fresh and organic foods that provide the necessary nutrition. To keep your horses safe and healthy, it is better to avoid having fruit trees in or around their paddock. Always be mindful of what your horses are eating, and call your vet immediately if they eat anything toxic. By taking these precautions, you can help your horses stay healthy and happy.


Consumption of the fruit, seeds, leaves, or stems of avocado can be toxic to horses. The main toxic component in avocado is persin. 30g leaves per kg of the horse's body weight can be fatal to an average sized horse. Lower doses can cause colic.
Avocado is documented to be harmful to some animals; such as cats, dogs, cattle, goats, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, birds, fish, and horses can be severely harmed or even killed when they consume them.
There are certain foods which you should certainly never feed to your horse.
  • Chocolate.
  • Persimmons.
  • Avocado.
  • Lawn Clippings.
  • Fruit with Pips and Stones.
  • Bread.
  • Potatoes and Other Nightshades.
  • Yogurt and Other Dairy Products.
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