Can Pregnant Horses Eat Yogurt?

Can Pregnant Horses Eat Yogurt

Pregnancy in horses is a delicate period that demands careful attention to the mare’s nutrition. As horse enthusiasts, we often find ourselves wondering about alternative and nutritious treats for our expecting equine companions. One question that frequently arises is whether pregnant horses can eat yogurt. The answer is: No, pregnant horses cannot eat yogurt. It’s generally not recommended for pregnant mares, primarily because of two reasons:

  1. Lactose intolerance: Most adult horses lack the enzyme lactase needed to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and yogurt. This can lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhea, which can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful to the pregnant mare and developing foal.
  2. Nutritional imbalance: While yogurt does contain some beneficial nutrients like calcium and probiotics, it’s not a complete food for horses and lacks the essential nutrients they need, especially during pregnancy.

Therefore, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving yogurt to pregnant horses. There are plenty of other, safer options available to provide them with the necessary nutrients and ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Can pregnant mares eat yogurt?

Yogurt, a dairy product, is renowned for its probiotic content, providing beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. While humans commonly incorporate yogurt into their diets, the equine digestive system differs significantly.

Related: Can Horses Eat Yogurt?

Considerations for Pregnant Horses

While yogurt boasts nutritional elements that can be beneficial, several crucial considerations must be taken into account:

  1. Lactose Sensitivity: Horses are generally lactose intolerant. While yogurt has lower lactose levels than milk, individual sensitivities may vary.
  2. Sugar Content: Flavored yogurts may contain added sugars that should be limited in a horse’s diet.
  3. Moderation: Introducing new foods should be done gradually and in moderation, especially during pregnancy.


In conclusion, while yogurt offers potential benefits, careful selection, moderation, and attention to individual health factors are paramount. As with any dietary changes, consulting with a veterinarian is advised to ensure the well-being of the pregnant mare and her developing foal.


Q: Is yogurt safe for pregnant horses?

A: Better No, but in moderation, plain and unsweetened yogurt may be considered safe, but individual sensitivities should be considered.

Q: Can flavored yogurt be given to pregnant horses?

A: It’s advisable to avoid flavored yogurts with added sugars to prevent digestive issues.

Q: Are there alternatives to yogurt for pregnant horses?

A: Yes, alternatives like carrots, apples, and hay cubes can provide essential nutrients without the risks associated with dairy.

Q: How often can yogurt be given to pregnant horses?

A: Limit yogurt treats to occasional servings, ensuring they complement a balanced diet rather than replacing essential nutrition.

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