Can Horses Eat Peanut Butter?

Brown horse with black mane in green field with jar of peanut butter in foreground and mountains in background

A wooden spoon with smooth, creamy peanut butter on a bed of light brown peanutsHorses can eat peanut butter in moderation, but there are some important things to consider. Children and adults alike love peanut butter, and it has several health advantages. Dry-roasted peanuts are used to make this delectable snack spread. 90% of peanuts and 10% of additional components make up peanut butter. The components of peanut butter improve blood sugar levels and heart health. If consumed in moderation due to its high-calorie content, it is a fantastic source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. A food that we want our pets to try because we love it and want to give it to them as a treat is peanut butter. But what about peanut butter for horses? Giving your horse something unusual to eat is usually a chore fraught with uncertainty.

When your horse seems to enjoy it, it rapidly becomes a problem because, to be a good friend to your equine, you just want to be sure that it is not harmful to him. And since peanut butter is a common ingredient in most households, you may have wondered whether horses could eat it because it tastes fantastic and does not appear to conflict with the nutritional needs of horses. It’s not quite that easy, though; there are some restrictions that you must be aware of. Let’s elaborate.

Can We Feed Out Horses Peanut Butter?

A wooden bowl of peanut butter with peanuts and a knife on a dark wooden tableThey can eat sometimes as a treat, yes. But just like humans, they should only consume the recommended amount. Just though peanut butter is a favorite among horses does not mean you should feed it to them if they have metabolic syndrome. Do not feed if your horse has a nut allergy as well. Yes, most equine nutritionists and veterinarians concur that all nut butter is safe for horses to consume in moderation. Not merely secure, peanut butter must also provide horses with a variety of nutritional advantages. For instance, what does moderation mean, and how do I,t fit within the safety spectrum? And what dietary advantages? Let’s make each point very obvious one by one.

Is Peanut Butter a Horse’s Favorite?

Horses adore it just as much as the rest of us do. They share our passion for peanut butter. You can see how much they appreciate having it as a treat by the face they make when they want more. Does peanut butter even appeal to horses in the first place? Yes. Although it is not a regular part of a horse’s diet, peanut butter is one of the many foods that horses adore. Horses truly adore the flavor of peanut butter and are obsessed with the crunchiness of the roasted peanuts in it.

Right Way of Feeding Peanut Butter

Feed once a week or no more frequently than that. It is best to keep the amount as small as possible.

Benefits of  Peanut Butter

It’s possible that you haven’t given the secret health benefits of it any thought, preferring instead to concentrate on how good it tastes. Let’s examine the benefits of consuming it in moderation for both humans and horses. It includes:

A white bowl of creamy peanut butter on a colorful pink and green striped tablecloth with peanuts scattered around and a knife spreading the peanut butter

  • Protein
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin-B6


Per two tablespoons, it has nearly 7.02 g of protein. For many things to function properly in horses, they need protein. They require it for the control of metabolic processes, a stronger immune system, transport of nutrients across cell membranes, and circulatory delivery of nutrients. Consequently, consuming it in moderation can improve your health.


Without a doubt, phosphorus is a vital nutrient for horses and other animals. It is required for the enzyme system to operate properly. The horse’s body’s cells and tissues are repaired. Additionally, peanut butter has a respectable phosphorus content.


Magnesium shortage in horses can cause bitterness, excitement, trembling, and wariness. It aids in the operation of the muscles and nerves. Each meal has 57 milligrams of magnesium. And it’s sufficient to quiet down your horse.


Zinc supports the health of the skin, hooves, and bones. In addition to these two crucial roles, it aids in the metabolism of protein and carbs.

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The neurological system can work normally thanks to niacin. It helps people and animals digest food.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin supports several minor bodily processes in horses, including digestion and hemoglobin synthesis.

👉🏽 You now understand that every component of peanut butter is necessary. While these are all necessary for your horse to be healthy, you shouldn’t make peanut butter the main component of their diet. Even if it sounds good to you, keep in mind that it is merely an occasional indulgence.

When To Quit Giving Horses Peanut Butter?

Regarding the safety aspects of peanut butter consumption by horses, while there are many advantages to this practice, you should avoid giving your horse peanut butter if he has any of the following conditions:


Horses can have nut allergies, albeit it’s uncommon. You should stop feeding your horse peanut butter if he shows any signs of an allergy. Colic, diarrhea, hair loss, itching, etc. are some of the symptoms.

Overweight and Obesity

Given that obese horses should limit their calorie intake, peanut butter should be avoided by them due to the high levels of fat and sugar it contains. On the other hand, peanut butter can help a horse gain weight if it has trouble doing so.

Metabolic Disorders

If your horse has Hyperinsulinemia, you shouldn’t feed him peanut butter. Horses in this circumstance develop insulin resistance because, despite having enough insulin, their cells are unable to sufficiently absorb glucose. Over time, it may result in extremely high blood sugar levels, which may even be fatal. It is advised for your horse to avoid eating peanut butter in such circumstances.

Side Effects of Peanut Butter

As previously indicated, consuming peanut butter by horses carries some hazards, primarily because of the high calorie and sugar content. Due to its high-calorie content, peanut butter should not be a staple in a horse’s diet or consumed in excess. Blood sugar levels may rise as a result of peanut butter’s high sugar content. Along with obesity, it can cause additional health problems including Laminitis.

Sandwiches of Peanut Butter for Horses

Insulin resistance and horses with metabolic syndrome are a no-go because they could develop laminitis and founder. Horses should never choose bread because it is unhealthy despite not being very harmful. It’s not a good idea to feed horses bread or peanut butter because they will both REACT NEGATIVELY. If you still want to feed peanut butter, don’t combine these two items.

Peanut butter jar, basket of peanuts, and slice of bread with peanut butter on a wooden surfaceYou can make it safer for them to consume

Try not to lose heart. Only peanuts, sugar, and a small amount of salt are used in organic peanut butter. It is a little bit safer for horses to have if you pick an organic brand over the other alternative. At all costs, avoid inorganic ones.

Take this as a red signal

Following a meal of peanut butter, if you see that your horse is not eating normally, consider it a warning sign. For the sake of the health of your horse, avoid peanut butter. Talk it up with your veterinarian to prevent complications.

When should you avoid feeding peanut butter to horses?

a glass jar of smooth peanut butter on a bed of whole, unshelled peanutsIn the following two situations, try to avoid peanut butter:

  • If your horse has metabolic syndrome and is resistant to insulin, do not feed even a small amount of peanut butter to him because it includes sugar.
  • If your horse has a nut allergy of any kind, you should know that peanuts are technically a legume and not a member of the nut family. But when it enters the body, the body responds in a manner akin to how it responds to nuts. Therefore, even if the horses are pleading for it, it should never be given to them in this state.

Risk Factors

Although peanut butter is good for your horse’s health, there are a few hazards as well. When you give them more peanut butter than is advised, these are especially triggered:


About 600 calories are included in 100 grams of peanut butter, which is a lot for both people and horses. Remember, horses get all the calories they require from their daily food; anything more could be considered excess.

Laminitis is just one of the health problems that a high-calorie diet might bring on in them. Additionally, it can lead to weight gain, which is bad for animals with high levels of activity, like horses.


Peanut butter has roughly 6 grams of sugar per serving, which can affect your pet’s blood sugar levels and cause several illnesses, including obesity.

Therefore, we can conclude that although peanut butter may offer certain health advantages to horses, they are only possible if you give them the treat in moderation.

Alternatives of Peanut Butter

Without a certain, horses should at least once in their lives sample this wonderful food spread. However, it is not healthy, and instead, you should choose:

These are sure to be a hit with your horse as well, as they have been shown to improve digestion and endurance in horses. They also aid in reducing the signs and symptoms of rheumatism, navicular syndrome, and laminitis.

Organic Peanut Butter Safe For Horses

Yes, organic peanut butter is roughly ten times healthier for your horse’s health than inorganic. This is due to the absence of the various chemicals, additives, and preservatives that are added to inorganic peanut butter to extend shelf life and make it appear tastier. Instead, organic peanut butter simply contains peanuts, sugar, and salt. The best option if you want to offer peanut butter to your pet is to make it yourself. The internet is plenty of video tutorials that will walk you through the straightforward process.

These are sure to be a hit with your horse as well, as they have been shown to improve digestion and endurance in horses. They also aid in reducing the signs and symptoms of rheumatism, navicular syndrome, and laminitis.

When To Avoid Feeding Peanut Butter?

There is something more you need to watch out for besides an allergy. Despite being uncommon in horses, some horses develop a metabolic syndrome in which their bodies become insulin-resistant. Given that peanut butter includes a significant amount of sugar in this situation, feeding them could be fatal.

Taking Care of Horse Feed

Certain treats should not be consumed. When giving treats to horses, stay away from chocolate[1]. Theobromine, which is present in chocolate, is harmful to horses’ digestive systems. Avocado fruit[2] is poisonous to horses. Peel and leaves can be eaten as treats. Additionally, eating persimmons can obstruct the digestive system. Furthermore, peanut butter is harmful to horses.

[1] – Can Horses Eat Chocolate?
[2] – Can Horses Eat Avocados?


Although they can eat peanut butter, horses shouldn’t consume it. Despite having all the vitamins and minerals horses require for a balanced life, it is nevertheless not very healthy. Anything more than two teaspoons poses a serious risk to them. If you want them to experience the deliciousness of peanut butter, try to keep the serving size even lower than two teaspoons. Nut allergies and metabolic conditions in horses should prevent them from participating in this procedure. As long as it is provided in moderation — no more than two tablespoons once a week, peanut butter is a safe and healthy snack for horses. So, yes, you may most absolutely share the sweet and crunchy taste with your horse. However, if your horse has a peanut allergy, diabetes, or weight issues, you should not feed him peanut butter.


Yes, horses can consume peanuts, but only seldom. Verify that your horse is not allergic to nuts. Since horse’s esophageal are big, peanuts cannot obstruct their throats. Peanut clumps can obstruct the throat, but this is readily fixable.
Yes, eating peanuts and peanut butter as a treat is safe. Both include a lot of potassium, while peanut butter occasionally contains salt and sugar. A small amount (a spoon) is sufficient, but too much could be dangerous.
Like walnuts, peanut butter which is also high in fat should be avoided. The creamy snack will do nothing for rabbits, except possibly give them a tummy ache.
It's true. There are bugs in your peanut butter, but the FDA clearly states that you're only eating their parts. The government's official Defect Levels Handbook notes an allowed ratio of 30 insect fragments per 100 grams of yummy spreadable.
Peanut butter is full of fat, and dogs seem to love the flavor fat as much as humans do, since they do have fat-specific taste buds.
The good news is that regular peanut butter is safe to give your dog as a treat. Just make sure to avoid peanut butter with Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in lower or sugar-free products. Xylitol is the only ingredient in peanut butter that's bad for dogs.
Interestingly enough, dogs aren't the only creatures who enjoy peanut butter. Some cats, and even birds, love this stuff. On the other hand, though, there are some pets who can't stand it and instead of the creamy stuff being a treat, it's more of a punishment.

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