Brown horse with black mane in green field with jar of peanut butter in foreground and mountains in background

Can Horses Eat Peanut Butter?

Horses can eat peanut butter in moderation, but there are some important things to consider. Children and adults alike love peanut butter, and it has several health advantages. Dry-roasted peanuts are used to make this delectable snack spread. 90% of peanuts and 10% of additional components make up peanut butter. The components of peanut butter […]

Can Horses Eat Peanut Butter?

A group of white mushrooms growing in a bed of dried grass

Can I Feed Mushrooms to Horse?

No, it’s generally not recommended to feed mushrooms to horses.Β The other morning, after a long night of rain, I was having my coffee when I couldn’t help but notice how many mushrooms had sprouted since the previous day. On walks or in my yard, I’ve always appreciated finding mushrooms, and I think they make a

Can I Feed Mushrooms to Horse?

Three horses wearing halters, surrounded by lettuce leaves, with text revealing the secret of whether horses can eat lettuce

Can Horses Eat Lettuce?

Horses can eat lettuce in moderation.Β Horses adore fresh produce but for us, it can be challenging to determine which kinds to feed our horses and which ones to avoid. We understand your excitement about this tasty vegetable for your cherished animal. So, can horses eat lettuce? In this article, we will discuss whether lettuce is

Can Horses Eat Lettuce?

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