Can Horses Eat Grapes? Nutrition Facts & Info

can horses eat grapes

If you have a horse, you might wonder if it’s okay to feed them grapes. Grapes are a yummy and healthy snack for people, but are they safe for horses? In this article, we’ll talk about whether horses can eat grapes, how to feed them safely, and the good and bad things about grapes for horses.

Are Grapes Safe for Horses?

Many horse owners wonder if grapes are safe for their horses. The good news is, grapes are not harmful to horses if given in small amounts. However, grapes should not be a big part of their diet because horses have sensitive stomachs.

While grapes are not known to be dangerous, feeding too many can cause problems like stomach aches or diarrhea. It’s important to give grapes as a treat, not as a regular food. Always watch your horse after giving grapes. If they seem uncomfortable, stop feeding them grapes and talk to

Can Horses Eat Grapes with Seeds?

A lot of people wonder if horses can eat grapes with seeds. The answer is yes! Horses can eat grapes with seeds, and the seeds are not harmful to them. Horses can usually digest the seeds just fine.

But some horse owners like to cut the grapes in half or take out the seeds to make them easier for the horse to chew. If you give your horse grapes with seeds, be sure to cut them into small pieces so your horse doesn’t choke, especially if they are young or have a sensitive stomach.

Learn More: Can Horses Eat Oranges? What Every Owner Needs to Know

Health Benefits of Feeding Your Horse Grapes

Grapes are not just a yummy treat—they’re also good for your horse’s health when given in small amounts. Grapes have vitamins like C and K, which help your horse stay healthy and have a shiny coat. They also have something called antioxidants, which can help keep your horse’s body strong and reduce swelling.

Grapes are also full of fiber and water, which help your horse’s tummy feel good and keep them hydrated. Even though grapes are a healthy snack, they should not replace your horse’s main food. They’re best given as an occasional treat.

How to Safely Give Grapes to Your Horse

If you want to give your horse grapes, it’s important to do it safely. Here are some simple tips:

  • Start Slowly: Give your horse a few grapes at first to see how they feel. This helps you check if the grapes upset their stomach or cause any problems.
  • Give in Small Amounts: Don’t give too many grapes. A handful is enough as a treat.
  • Wash the Grapes Well: Make sure to clean the grapes to get rid of any dirt or chemicals before giving them to your horse.
  • Take Off the Stems and Leaves: The stems and leaves of grapes can be hard for horses to eat, so only give them the fruit.
  • Choose Seedless Grapes: Seedless grapes are easier for your horse to chew and digest, so they’re a better choice.

Learn More: Can Horse Eat Oats Safely? Experts Advice 

Different Types of Grapes for Horses

You might be wondering if different kinds of grapes are safe for horses. The good news is that red, green, and black grapes are all safe for horses to eat, but they do have some small differences in how they help your horse.

  • Red Grapes: These grapes have special things called antioxidants, like resveratrol, that are good for your horse’s heart and health.
  • Green Grapes: Green grapes are not as sweet, but they still give your horse the same good things as red grapes.
  • Black Grapes: Black grapes are very similar to red grapes and are also safe for your horse.

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Grapes vs. Other Fruits for Horses

Fruit Safety for Horses Nutritional Benefits
Grapes Safe in moderation Rich in vitamins C & K, antioxidants
Apples Safe in moderation High in fiber and vitamin C
Bananas Safe Rich in potassium and fiber
Strawberries Safe High in antioxidants and vitamin C
Pineapple Safe Hydrating and contains bromelain

Nutritional Benefits of Grapes for Horses

Nutrient Benefit
Vitamin C Supports immune system
Vitamin K Promotes bone health and clotting
Antioxidants Reduces inflammation and supports overall health
Fiber Aids in digestion and hydration


  1. Can horses eat grapes with seeds?
    Yes, horses can eat grapes with seeds. However, seedless grapes are easier to digest.
  2. How to incorporate grapes into a horse’s diet safely?
    Introduce grapes gradually, wash them thoroughly, and serve them in moderation.
  3. What are the health benefits of feeding grapes to horses?
    Grapes provide vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, promoting overall health, immunity, and digestion.
  4. What other fruits are safe for horses to eat?
    Apples, bananas, strawberries, and pineapple are all safe for horses to eat in moderation.