Can Horses Eat Celery?

Brown horse in indoor arena with pile of celery, text asking if horses can eat celery

Yes, horses can eat celery in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It offers several potential benefits and is generally safe when offered properly. Horses love to have herbivores in their diet. Natural foods like grass, hay, grain, and veggies, are some of their favorites. Horse owners also offer their equine friends some leafy treats. Such as grass and hay etc. But the question that arises every time is can horses can eat celery. The answer to that is yes, horses can eat celery as treats or snacks too. Let’s dig deeper into the details of celery benefits and related information.

Can Horses Eat Celery?

Celery can be fed to horses. It is a low-sugar and high-fiber vegetable that is ideal for senior horses and horses with metabolic or insulin resistance issues. Its crunchiness and fresh taste are highly appreciated by horses.  Celery is full of fiber, so it will improve your horse’s digestive health. Fiber for your horse usually comes from the hay or grass you’re feeding them, but when celery is added to the horse’s diet, it will add more fiber.


Celery is a good source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is very important for your horse’s skin and digestive system. Vitamin A is also a very good antioxidant, it helps remove or fight cells such as free radicals. Phosphorus and magnesium are also present in celery. Magnesium is beneficial for muscles and nerves, while phosphorus helps with bones and teeth.

A bed of bright green leafy celery plants with serrated edges

Age Guide Recommended Quantity of Celery

A general age guide for feeding celery to horses, along with recommended quantities:

Age Group Recommended Quantity of Celery
Foals (0-6 mo) Celery is not recommended for foals
Weanlings Celery is not recommended for weanlings
Yearlings Celery is not recommended for yearlings
Young Horses Celery is not recommended for young horses
Adult Horses 1-2 stalks of celery per day, chopped
Senior Horses 1-2 stalks of celery per day, chopped

Please note that these are general guidelines and the actual quantity of celery and suitability may vary depending on the individual horse’s health, dietary needs, and any existing health conditions. It’s always best to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist for personalized feeding recommendations for your horse.

Benefits And Risks of Feeding Celery to Horses

Celery being a crunchy and fresh vegetable is often recommended for your equine friend. Most owners add vegetables and fruits to their meals to increase the nutritional effects. It may seem difficult to feed, as it has a sticky stem. But it is very healthy, full of fiber and vitamin A, and increases health. It has almost no bad effects on horses’ health if fed moderately. It is good for horses with insulin resistance.

A white bowl of freshly chopped celery on a rustic wooden table


  • Celery has fiber and low sugar which makes it healthier for your equine. Its low sugar content is ideal for horses with insulin resistance. High-fiber crunchy snacks are good for your horses with metabolic issues.A tray of young celery plants growing in soil against a stone wall background Celery can be used as a treat or snack for your horse. It has a fresh taste and is highly recommended by horse owners.
  • Celery can be mixed with different recipes to make it more interesting and fun for your equine. Plain celery sometimes is too boring and horses may not eat it as they will not enjoy boring meals.
  • Celery is a high-fiber content vegetable. The high fiber helps your horse cleanse and regulate metabolism. Horses with small stomachs may suffer from issues, so giving them celery in their meal will help them with their issues.
  • Celery also keeps the animal hydrated. As it is very fresh and green. So it keeps animals hydrated which helps horses to go on with the day with energy.
  • High in vitamins and minerals, celery is very good for a horse’s health. The minerals and vitamins present in celery benefit your horse’s skin and metabolism. Vitamin B9 helps in making white and red blood cells. It helps in breaking carbohydrates.
  • Celery, being a source of vitamin C, phosphorus, and magnesium, helps in repairing all the damaged tissues and also assists in maintaining and repairing bones and teeth horses. It improves the functioning of nerves and muscles.


Along with benefits, celery has its risks too. All parts of the celery are edible and are equally healthy. It also can be used as a treat for horses that are overweight. Although it is a healthy and high vitamin-mineral source, with every good comes bad as well. In some cases, celery should be avoided. There are certain ways of giving your horse celery that must be taken care of.

Greenfield of leafy plants of Celery for horse feed under a bright blue sky

  • To avoid risks, the vegetables and fruits we are choosing must be clean and fresh.
  • To avoid infections and diseases, it is important to clean anything before you give it to your animal. Celery contains parasites and bacteria that may be harmful to your equine. Choosing fresh celery will help in gaining weight as well as being healthy.
  • It is also very important that you wash it thoroughly before giving it to the horses. Fresh and clean celery will be a source of good health as well as happiness for the horse. Your equine friend will enjoy the freshness and hydrating leafy vegetables.

Celery is Safe For Equine

It is prohibited to give animals celery that has rotten ends or is not fresh. Horses with HYPP should not be given any celery because of high fiber and potassium sources. HYPP horses will have harmful effects if given any celery. Another thing to take off is that when you are giving your horse celery, it should be chopped or cut into small pieces. Giving them full leaves will make them choke. So it is better to give them celery cut into small pieces and it will be safe for your horses.

A field of green Celery plants being watered by a sprinkler system

Can Horses with Metabolic Issues Eat Celery?

Horses with metabolic issues can eat celery. This is very low in sugar and carbohydrates, so it is ideal to give them as treats. Horses that are facing problems like insulin resistance and metabolism should have celery added to their diet. You can add celery to your equine’s diet by mixing it up with other meals to make it more fun and interesting.

Celery Quantity that Should Be Fed to Horse

A horse grazing in a green pasture with trees in the background2 pounds of celery is an ideal amount to be fed. And this amount can only be fed in only twice or three times a week. Small portions will always have a good impact on health. For instance, horses can be given any part of celery, which means that both the stalk and leaf of the vegetable can be given. The good part is that since horses can have the whole vegetable, owners can mix it up with different recipes and give their horses different and interesting tastes. However, owners need to take good care of how much they are feeding their horses. It should not be more than two or three pounds a week.

How Much Do Horses Eat a Day? A Complete Guide

horseshoe | Horse Hooves

ConclusionA field of green celery plants arranged in rows with a black irrigation pipe dividing the field into two sections

All in all, celery is very healthy and good for your horses. It is a high fiber and low sugar, a leafy treat for your equine. Everything is healthy if given in moderation. Celery is a vitamin and mineral source that can help in many conditions. Horses with HYPP should be avoided given celery. Celery is a good refreshing snack for the horses in your stable but when it is given moderately. Too much of anything will not help in getting healthier, it will only be harmful.


You can safely offer your horse raisins, grapes, bananas, strawberries, cantaloupe or other melons, celery, pumpkin, and snow peas. Most horses will chew these treats before swallowing, but horses that gulp large pieces of a fruit or vegetable have a risk of choking.
A few bite-sized snack pieces. Remember horses can choke, espcially if there is a delicious snack in front of them just waiting to be devoured! Don't feed your horse an entire handful of celery stalks either. One or two bites is enough.
Horses can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including apples, carrots, celery, melons, green beans, and more. They may also enjoy treats such as peanut butter, oatmeal, or sugar cubes!

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